
I am married with a 6 year old son and enjoy cooking and experimenting in the kitchen. After the birth of my son, within 2 short years, I started to develop a series of health problems including an early ulcer,  restless leg syndrome, Bell’s Palsey ,Shingles and  Ramsey Hunt syndrome. Fortunately, I did recover from all of these illnesses but still felt very fatigued with very poor sleeping habits. I resolved to figure out the reason why I was having so many mysterious illnesses. Of course, the medical profession took no interest  in my pattern of ill health  and after doing a lot of reading, I  self diagnosed myself with Candida. I was so tired and ill most of the time and felt I really needed to cleanse my body of all it’s toxins.  I eliminated all sugars, yeast and gluten breads and fruit and all orange vegetables , coffee and alcohol. I know it sounds severe but when you feel ill all the time, you’ll try anything. Thanks to  the candida diet regime ,I was slowly able to regain my health after about 3 months. It’s been about 1 year now since I went on the original diet and whenever I slip up, I begin to notice my old symptoms of fatique, dizzyness and sleeplessness.  I am now on a crusade to make the healthiest food for myself and my family. I am now looking at all health aspects of my life including the water I drink, the soaps and products I ingest and anything else that affects my health. It is with this self discovery of taking health into my own hands that I hope to share my investigations into health and wellness with the rest of the world. Long live good health.

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