Candida and gluten free chicken paella

This is a family favorite that has been adapted for simplicity . It’s fast and easy to make and very flavorful. In this version, I used parboiled rice when I’m in a hurry but most often use basmati brown rice which takes longer to make. I like to buy hormone free chicken thighs and legs for cheap and pre-roast them before I start making dinner. This makes the chicken very flavorful. When I have the time, I even use the leftover chicken bones to make  stock for chicken soup the next day..waste not want not.

The only  yeast free gluten free brand of chicken stock that  I have found is kitchen basics chicken stock. I notice it does have mushroom and honey in the vegetable stock but it has never given me any trouble. I would prefer organic but this has good flavor and works for the everyday meal.


I did forgot to document the frozen peas I like to throw in near the end when the rice is nearly done. Here’s the recipe for chicken paella:

– 2 cloves minced garlic

-1 white onion minced

-2 cups white rice or basmati rice if you can wait around 40 minutes. Otherwise, parboiled doesn’t take longer than 20 minutes.

– 2 diced tomatoes

– 1 cup frozen peas

– 2 cups chicken stock

– 1/2 tsp saffron or tumeric if you’ve run out.

– 1/2 tsp smoked paprika

– lemon juice


After the chicken has roasted for about an 45 minutes at 400 degrees, take out and let cool In the mean time, mince onion and garlic and throw in the pan and fry up. Once the chicken has cooled , pull it off the bones and throw it in with the onions and garlic. Put in the 2 diced tomatoes and 2 cups of rice. If using saffron, put a pinch of saffron with about 1/2 cup of the stock until infused. Once infused, you can add it to the rice. Add chicken stock to cover rice . If you don’t have any saffron on hand, just add about 1/2 tsp of tumeric and smoked paprika directly to rice. Stir a few minutes and then add a little more stock until all the rice is covered. Set pot on medium to low and cover and leave to cook about 20 minutes. After that time, lift lid and stir and check to see rice is cooked. Throw frozen peas on top and let steam about 5 minutes. Once ready, serve with a lemon wedge and parsley stock. Delicious every time!